Retirement Decoded
Planning for retirement can be overwhelming and stressful without knowing where to start or who to trust. We are here to help bridge the gap between you and the world of financial advisors that want to help, starting with the knowledge you need to make an educated decision when choosing the right one.
Retirement Decoded
2: The 4 Seasons of Planning with David Warshaw
In the podcast Retirement Decoded by Money Pickle, with your host Steve Coughran and guest David Warshaw, President of The WealthPlan LLC, they introduce the concept of the "Four Seasons of Planning," a structured approach to financial planning that includes retirement and cash flow in the winter, tax planning and insurance optimization in the spring, estate planning in the summer, and investment reviews in the fall. This seasonal framework helps clients stay organized, manage their financial responsibilities, and reduce overwhelm by breaking down complex financial tasks into manageable parts throughout the year. By leveraging technology and a clear strategy, individuals can maintain control over their financial lives, ensuring they are well-prepared for retirement and beyond.
Don't forget to visit MoneyPickle.com to schedule an appointment with a financial advisor and get personalized advice tailored to your retirement goals. Enjoy the show and remember to subscribe for more insightful episodes!
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